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Username: power99

Status: active
Created: July 11, 2000 at 4:24pm (EDT)
I have been waiting now for 3 weeks.. I normally wouldnt care.. but HE told me its been sent... then told me later.. it was parcel.. Its taking waaay to long to get here.. and from his other reports I definately DO NOT think its going to show up... listen to what everyone tells you DO NOT TRADE WITH HIM... 3 people warned me but I like to make my own decisions man was this one a wrong decision

Reported By: ragepower

Username: power99

Status: active
Created: July 11, 2000 at 3:24pm (EDT)
Power99 has never sent his side of the deal. I was waiting and waiting for weeks and he never sent the PSX. I also got several other offers for PSX but I turned them down since I was getting a PSX from power99. I feel that he is a really bad trader and he gave me BTRS twice just to counter mine off. He persuades people to trade but then never sends his part of the trade. I think we should take this time to filter power99 from our list.

He said he recalled the pacakge once again. He said that he will send priority shipped on 7/13/00. IF I GET IT THIS REPORT WILL GO DOWN AND ONLY THEN.

Now he thinks I dont even have his part of the deal. I just asked him his age and hes only 11 yrs old. Kids that little can't handle the pressure of trading.
Reported By: abigtimepimp