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Username: Apr1de987

Status: active
Created: April 5, 2001 at 10:30am (EDT)

I received and email, finally, from him on 4/10. The text is below :

"hi, i'm very sorry about the trade,i've been away for that time and something went wrong with my AOL. I can't get on Gametz to check who i traded with because my account was disable so i was waiting for other people to send me email but i didnt know what happen, i'm not getting some email. My cousin just checked my account and he told me i got a lot of bad trader report. i don't care about it anymore since i don't have the account. I'll try to send your stuff out ASAP so just bare with me. I might have to do it after the break but i will send. Very sorry for the inconvience."

Needless to say, I won't hold my breath.


We agreed on a trade in which I would send Unreal Tournament and he would send Gladiator DVD. He insisted that I send first because I had less trades (33 to 30).

My part of the trade was delivered Saturday, March 23rd, 2001 as indicated by the delivery confirmation number on the Post Office's web site. He indicated that he would be able to send the following Tuesday or Wednesday.

Later, he deleted our trade from the game site. I asked for an explaination since he had already received my part of the trade, and he replied that it was a mistake, he deleted the wrong one, and he reentered the trade on the site.

It's been over a week and a half since he received the game that I sent. I have emailed him repeatedly asking about when he would send his part, with no answer. The emails do not bounce and his account indicates that he last logged in on April 1st.

Do not trade with this guy. At the very best, he sucks at communication and has unacceptable delays, but I don't expect to see his part of the trade.

Kenny, if you're reading this ... You shouldn't have committed mail fraud on a police officer with a law degree. I will do my best to get law enforcement in your county involved. This can be prevented by returning the game I sent, or even doing something unusual like sending an email.
Reported By: Kiddycop

Username: Apr1de987

Status: active
Created: April 2, 2001 at 5:10pm (EDT)
At the beginning of March he offered me five N64 games for $70, I sent the money and waited about a week. Which i then send him an email asking if he received the money and/or send the games, well he never replied and I sent two more emails but each time they came back to me saying that his email address does not exist anymore. So anyway David if you are reading this please send the games and I will remove this report.
Reported By: m115919h