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Username: BobbyWilliams

Status: active
Created: October 19, 1998 at 12:10pm (EDT)
He set up a trade with me, and never sent his half of the deal. Four days after he supposedly sent his package out, he IM'ed me wanting to know if I wanted to trade. When I inquired if he remembered our current trade, he simply said 'no' and was suddenly logged off. I checked the bad traders list and found out he's been scamming people all over the place! What's worse, he's even requested confirmation over UGTZ, as if I'd confirm a deal before receiving the package! If the address is Riverdale, GA BEWARE!
Reported By: DBurke0001

Username: N/A

Status: active
Created: October 17, 1998 at 5:21pm (EDT)
He asked me to trade my Actraiser game for Time Crisis PSX, and I never recieved it. This was about 2 months ago, I lost the addy for UGTZ and had to create a new account, I think his UGTZ ID was something like mpeco or somethin.
Reported By: BahamutZero