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Username: cloud31

Status: active
Created: July 25, 2002 at 12:29pm (EDT)
Because he screwed me out of $30. we made a trade and i was to send first and i sent a week later and told him to send asap. i emailed a week later and asked if he sent and he said he did and not to worry. i never got it and kept emailing him and he said he sent it. i never got it. i emailed him asking when he sent and he said a week ago, i never got it. i emailed a few weeks later and he never replied. i was suppose to get metal gear solid 2 for ps2 but never did.
Reported By: yoda66

Username: cloud31

Status: active
Created: June 11, 2002 at 1:56pm (EDT)
Add me to the list of people that this lamer has ripped off. We agreed to the trade about a month ago. I was to mail him a dollar and a stamp, and he was to mail me the manual for Star Ocean 2. I sent right away, and didn't get a response for about 2 weeks. I then emailed him and he confirmed reciept of the money/stamp, and said he would send the manual soon. Of course, he didn't. I emailed him again, and got no response. I sent another email 3 days later warning him that a BTR would be filed. It has been 3 days since my warning, and I have not gotten a response or the item, so here is the BTR. Seriously, how lame is this? All he had to do was put the manual in an envelope, walk out to his mailbox, and drop it in. He wouldn't have even had to go to the post office, and I sent him a stamp to mail it with. I hope you enjoy your ill gotten dollar and stamp, this BTR will come down when I either get the manual, or get back what I sent you. I'm very dissapointed in this guy, I really needed that manual.
Reported By: JCDenton