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Username: gamegod_dante

Status: active
Created: December 21, 2000 at 10:15pm (EDT)
alright this is not the first time this person has done this so if this person emails you please disreguard anything he says!!! He emailed me and I was really stupid and didn't really check up too close and now im here writing this.. He wanted to trade Jet Grind Radio and Alundra for Front Mission 3 and Legend of Mana.. we were supposed to send at the same time, but my games haven't come in. The truely amazing part is that he has 3 different names on ugtz. Ran Albert is the email address he used to contact me, but Randall Allen is another alias I found searching the ugtz site, and when he gave me his address he gave me the name of James Hemderson? I looked into it and it turns out that James Hemderson has put a bad trader report on this guy also, so I have no idea who to believe now?? all I want are my games back or the games agreed upon in the trade! I will take this to the authorities!
Reported By: SeanCou