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Username: Thuglife2003

Status: active
Created: May 8, 2006 at 10:02pm (EDT)
Sevin and I pended a trade on the 15th of March. I asked a few times for an update on when he would be shipping and never recieved one.On the 4th of April I asked if there was a problem with this trade since he logged on almost every day and did not answer my messages. The following day, he supposedly sent. I have asked questions on a few more occasions and have recieved no information. It is now May 8th, almost 2 months after the pending trade was created, and I still have no word. This will be resolved when I either recieve my end of the deal or the trade is canceled.
Reported By: Domathoin

Username: Thuglife2003

Status: active
Created: July 22, 2003 at 3:08pm (EDT)
About 5 weeks ago Joshua Andrews emailed me, asking if I was interested in Vay for the Sega CD. We chatted through aim and I agreed to pay $25 for the game. About a week after I sent the money order he told me through aim that he had received it though he never marked his end of the trade complete and would send out the game the following Monday. I contacted him through aim again about 2 weeks after he had said he shipped the game out and I still did not receive the game. I haven't seen him on aim since about 2 weeks ago and I've sent him emails asking what happened which he has not responded to. Then a few days ago a btr appeared on his account and it appears that his account is no longer active. Also, I've noticed that Drew Smith, the only person whose trade with Joshua Andrew shares the same address, which leads me to believe they are in fact the same person.

Really all I want is my money back or the game I payed for, so Joshua or Drew or whatever your name is, please if you're reading this, just give me what I payed for. Or show me some proof that you didn't rip me off. However, if I don't hear anything from you soon, I will be reporting you for mail fraud.

Reported By: Devilman